Monday, July 9, 2012

The fierceness within.

It was a hot Sunday Morning (07.08.12) when my best friend called me thru the phone. His friend, Anton, who is a photographer is in need of models for a photo shoot that happens to be on that day also , and Anton needs the model as soon as possible. Well, basically, I only have less than 2 minutes to think about it but still, I said yes. So I got up and went straight to my best friend's place where Anton will pick us. I thought at first that it was like a joke-kind-of-thing photo shoot (that's why in the first place, i said yes about it) but I was wrong. It was an editorial shoot showcasing the gowns/clothes made by designer Ela dela Vega Santos who has a clothing line named Nuevo Ystilo at Kultura which is available in SM Department Stores. The worst part of it is, i waited so long before I had my make-up on because they only have one make up artist at the shoot. But the best part of it is, my fabulous make up, the fabulous team, and the fabulous me! Yes, if you want to be feel fierce, start feeling fierce! As Christian Siriano says, Ρroject Runway Season 1 Winner, "Some clothes wear the person and some people wear the clothes". I am not a professional model but what I learned yesterday was even if the clothes you are wearing/modelling is not one of your comfort zones, learn how to wear it, feel fierce about it and eventually, the result will be at its best! And by the way, I so love the photos because even if I'm not that comfortable with what I wore yesterday, I did my best to feel fierce about it. <3 

Here's a sneak peek!

**Wearing that fabulous ruffled shawl as my top!

Let me share you some of my favorite fearless tips by Christian Siriano:

"Even if something seems out of your league or out of the ordinary, be bold and go for it."

"Take your focus away from the negative and focus on what's positive and what's fabulous. The more you do that, the more fierce you will feel!"

"Feeling fierce isn't about just being cool, confident, and good at what you do. Fierceness is also built from being tough and withstanding the critics"

And lastly, read "Fierce Style" by Christian Siriano for more self- empowering and fashion tips!
This is a good book I promise!

**One of my favorite books!

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