Thursday, December 6, 2012

Just another story

I would just like to dedicate this blog post to a special someone in my life. I was just reading my past blog posts and there I read one post of mine about that someone from the past and then I smiled. I smiled because it reminded me that it was never my loss. Instead, it reminded me that I still gained something from it. And that something was a valuable lesson for me; a lesson that will always tell me that you should never let yourself lose.  People, they just come and go, but sometimes, in an unexpected situation and God's perfect time, they choose to stay. And I’m glad to tell you guys that I have someone right now who chose to stay with me despite of my messed-up situation. God really has a purpose on everything that is happening to you, whether it is good or bad. You just need to make sure that when someone chose to stay with you, you also need to make an effort for it. No matter how damned your situation, try to fix it. Try to put everything in its right places. You have to start with yourself. When he came into my life, I really don’t know what will happen to us, because I was so stuck in a thought that my life is pretty messed up and I don’t deserve someone as of the moment. But life is a choice, and I chose to move on and tried fixing it little by little. I really want to thank him for helping me to make a big shift in my life. Thanking him for helping me realize that the people who went out of your life still helped us along the road of our lives. Don’t waste your tears. The people around you do not have the control to create your happiness. They simply have the opportunity to share in your happiness. Your joy lies within you. But don’t forget too that there is still someone who will make your lives even brighter. I’m happy I already found my someone who will make my life more colorful than ever.

I am now heading to something better while with someone better
Thank you and I love you Jose Antonio Martin Cruz.

 "Behind every dark cloud... is another cloud."- Den Jorgensen (Surprise, Surprise)